शीतकालीन ऊन
कपास पॉलिएस्टर 60/40 शीतकालीन हुडी के लिए ठोस रंगे नरम ऊन कपड़े
This fabric mainly applies to bathrobe, leisurewear, casual clothing, hoody, sweater, babywear, children's wear and other winter clothes. Advantage: Comparing to 100% polyester or polyester/cotton fleece, cvc fleece fabric has the more cotton in capacity and makes the wearer feel more comfortable and avoid kind of allergic to polyester for certain people. It is very good for winter fleece or winter hoody. Product highlights: Soft hand feeling, any customized colour & design. Composition: 50% cotton 50% polyester, 60% cotton 40% polyester or according to customer's requirement. Additional features (Optional): Wicking, moisture absorption, anti-static, antimicrobial, anti-pilling and other special functions. थोक रंग: ग्राहक की आवश्यकता के अनुसार। बायो-वॉशिंग: वैकल्पिक Technical index>> धोने के लिए रंग स्थिरता (AATCC61 -2010): 4.0-5.0 पसीने के लिए रंग स्थिरता (AATCC15 -2009): 4.0-5.0 रंग स्थिरता को मलाई (AATCC8 -2007): 4.0-5.0
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